Senin, 06 Desember 2010

[V366.Ebook] Download PDF Mixed Blessing (Mixed Blessing Mystery, Book 1): A Romantic Urban Fantasy & Murder Mystery Series (Kindred), by Nicola Claire

Download PDF Mixed Blessing (Mixed Blessing Mystery, Book 1): A Romantic Urban Fantasy & Murder Mystery Series (Kindred), by Nicola Claire

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Mixed Blessing (Mixed Blessing Mystery, Book 1): A Romantic Urban Fantasy & Murder Mystery Series (Kindred), by Nicola Claire

Mixed Blessing (Mixed Blessing Mystery, Book 1): A Romantic Urban Fantasy & Murder Mystery Series (Kindred), by Nicola Claire

Mixed Blessing (Mixed Blessing Mystery, Book 1): A Romantic Urban Fantasy & Murder Mystery Series (Kindred), by Nicola Claire

Download PDF Mixed Blessing (Mixed Blessing Mystery, Book 1): A Romantic Urban Fantasy & Murder Mystery Series (Kindred), by Nicola Claire

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Mixed Blessing (Mixed Blessing Mystery, Book 1): A Romantic Urban Fantasy & Murder Mystery Series (Kindred), by Nicola Claire

'His whole body jerked against mine, his arms tightened and a low growl mixed with a decidedly sexy moan came from the back of his throat. I could tell he was having an instant response to my biting him, I could feel exactly where his mind had taken the moment to. I gasped at his reaction, thinking this was having way more of an effect on him than me. And then the taste of his blood hit my tongue.'

Working as a bartender at the most popular club in town, dating a handsome, sexy and ever so slightly mysterious Englishman, Georgia thought her life was finally going somewhere. Then one night a rogue vampire caught her unaware, introducing her to a night time life she never knew existed.

Trusting no one and finding it hard to forgive the one man who could have warned her, but didn't, Georgia fights to retain her humanity. All the while fighting her attraction for the one who let her down. But with some hard and fast rules, an iron will and determination, plus abilities that make her a commodity to any who traverse the night time world, Georgia must find a way to remain true to herself and not give in to the seduction of the Dark.

But the Dark is so appealing and her vampire-within so strong. Can Georgia resist temptation, in all its glorious guises and still be true to her Light-filled side? As she'd say, this really sucks!

  • Sales Rank: #32417 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2013-01-14
  • Released on: 2013-01-14
  • Format: Kindle eBook

"It is so much more than 'just' another vampire is a transitional story and quite a reluctant one. Also a story of having to start new connections, with everything and everyone... Even those you've known for a long time........ How trust lost is more difficult to rebuild than new trust is gained. I can keep going with this, but I won't, it is sufficient to say that the book is exciting and superbly much so, it impressed a non-lover of the genre enough to hand out five stars!!" ~ Margreet Asselbergs (Ripe For Reader)  "Nicola has a way with words and storytelling that truly captivates the reader and drags you into the beautiful worlds that she creates." ~ Open Book Society 

From the Author
The Mixed Blessing Mystery Series is set in the Kindred World, with some cross-over, but can also be read as a stand-alone series. It is firmly in the Paranormal Romance category, but has a strong leaning towards Murder/Mystery as well.
You can get Nicola's Starter Library - three popular full-length first-in-series romantic suspense novels, with hundreds of positive reviews between them - by signing up for her mailing list at

About the Author
Nicola Claire lives in beautiful Taupo, New Zealand with her husband and two young boys. She's tried her hand at being a paramedic, bank teller and medical sales representative, (not all necessarily in that order), but her love of writing keeps calling her back. She has a passion for all things supernatural, spiced up with a good dollop of romance - as long as they include strong characters, alpha males and capable females, and worlds which although make-believe are really quite believable in the end. There's nothing better than getting caught up in a compelling, intriguing and romantic book. When she's not writing or reading, she's out on her family boat at Lake Taupo, teaching her young boys to fish, showing them the beauty that surrounds them in nature and catching some delicious trout for dinner. Kindred has been a joy to write, creating a rich world with dynamic characters and paranormal twists that shock and awe has been pure bliss for this author. And just as well, because there's a lot more story yet to tell...

Most helpful customer reviews

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful.
Liked it!
By Whitney(Shooting Stars Reviews)
Mixed Blessing is a spin-off of the Kindred series, staring Georgia. She's a newly turned vampire, but she is special. She isn't just a vampire. Due to Lucinda saving her life she is something a little different. And now, she's having to learn to fight her Dark side, and figure out how to be a vampire on her own due to pushing others away.

But when she gets the chance to use her gifts for good, she decides to help out anyway she can. But this opens up her secrets to people who shouldn't know, and now she is in danger.

This book was okay. I liked it, but it wasn't as great as I was thinking it would be. I'm also a little annoyed with the love triangle thing going on. Not only that, but the cliffhanger ending has freaking left me hungry for me.
I did however like the plot line over all. And I really do like Gigi, even though she can be a major jerk off at times. I also loved her and Samson together! I hope that pans out as well. Now, I must wait for the next one to be out!

4 of 5 people found the following review helpful.
Mixed Blessing
By Debra
Mixed Blessings
by Nicola Claire

While horror is my first love when it comes to the different genres, I must confess to having developed a recent taste for werewolves/human romance novels. It's my guilty pleasure what can I say? I have now discovered I also quite like vampire/mystery novels as well! At least the ones written by this author. The story revolves around a newly turned vampire named Georgia, or as her friends call her Gigi, and part of her problems in this novel are accepting her new fate. But some of her problems were also uniquely human. Things I could relate to as well. Things I could understand. Maybe that's what made Georgia so darned likable.

I finished this book in less than a day, once I started the story it just wouldn't let me go until I had no more more words to read. This was a bittersweet moment I can tell you because while I wanted to know the conclusions. I also wanted to remain in Auckland and see what could possibly happen next. I'll wait anxiously until book 2 comes out.

The story and the characters are so well written I felt I was fly on the wall, so into the story that I might have been a part of the story myself. Its those rare books that make you regret that you've come to the conclusion. This was without a doubt one of those books! Initially, with so many characters I thought I would get lost in the story, just as I worried about figuring out the vampire lingo. But I needn't have worried as the author explained throughout the story....reminders if you will, of what the words/phrases meant. Not just a love story, not just a mystery, not just fantasy. This book was all of that and more. This book was thoroughly enjoyable! Without a doubt, this will be one of the books I'll be rereading over and over again!

I was offered the opportunity to read this book for free in return for an honest review.

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
A mixture of vamp politics and gum shoe mystery
By rormonster
This ARC was provided free for an honest review.

The book begins with a list of terms and then a list of scents and their emotional equivalent. This beginning did not bode well for me, as often these lists lead to stories so involved with the set up and so complicated that the actual story is often neglected. Not so here. The terms are defined at the beginning, but also through context and plot defined in the text as well.

The book combines a bit of paranormal romance and a lot of mystery. If you are reading this book solely for the romance, you will likely be frustrated. If you are hoping for a bit of erotica (read: sex), you will also be frustrated. That said, the characters are three dimensional and the story arc is intriguing. I figured out part of the mystery before the protagonist, but certainly couldn't predict all the directions and characters that would appear.

The rest of this review will focus on the protagonist, so there may be a bit of spoiler here, but I will not give away the mystery. Gigi is a Nothus--part vampire part vampire hunter. She is newly turned and throughout the book, she is struggling with her new reality and her dual nature. The mystery gives here plenty of time to read her political landscape, assess her own powers, and her emotional state. She has two men vying for her attention--the master of the city, Jett, and her flame from her human days, Samson. Jett is a bit reminiscent of Jean-Claude (Anita Blake), but with less charm and more darkness. Samson is a vamp that has conquered his darkness and cares for Gigi, but much about his make-up remains unclear, likely to be developed in later books.

Gigi is frustrating. At the beginning she is a loner--angry at her circumstances and she can't accept her status, at least her vamp half. Several times in the book, she rues her go it alone attitude and recognizes that she has cut off her nose to spite her face. Yet, each time she has this epiphany, she purposely suppresses it. She remains angry at her former lover for keeping the dark world from her, yet she now knows the rules and while she might break them, she is aware of the devastating consequences. She recognizes that telling the "Norms" she has, her best friend etc, has placed them in extreme danger. and she knows that even if she had known about vamps, she could not have defended herself against the attack. And for the most part, she hides herself from those around her, even vamps, so she is a hypocrite of the first degree.

She avers that Samson loves the woman she was, not the Nothus she is. But, she has also seen more to Samson and still loves him. And she does not give him a chance to love her even though the author has clearly set him up to be her mate (she can feed from him and gain sustenance). I understand creating some romantic tension, but this goes beyond that and Gigi ends up sticking to her guns beyond stubbornness to stupidity. He shows again and again that he understands and knows her, showing she hasn't changed that much. but she just can't give him a second chance. By the end, it felt like one of those sitcoms that stretch the male/female will they, wont they so far that everyone stops caring.

Her overall danger is real--Nothus are not allowed to live according to the ruling Vamp Council. And at the end, despite all she has learned and felt, she is still planning on picking up stakes and hiding from everything. This cowardice does not mesh well with the rest of her rather strong character. If could, I would have slapped her several times throughout the book. Again, at the beginning of the book this type of angst is expected. But I also expect her to grow throughout. At the end, she accepts herself but that does change her behavior.

The other character that was problematic was the best friend. She comes in at the beginning and gets Gigi involved in the mess and then we don't see her again until the end, yet she knows enough to try and push Gigi towards one guy or the other.

Despite what are short comings in my view, the book was very good. Well written with few grammatical or typographical errors. I was definitely thinking of the book and where the plot was going when I was not reading (there is a lot of time when swimming laps) and was anxious to get back to it. Gigi ends up in a position to work between the Norms and the supernaturals-- again a bit like Anita Blake. The story line ends and it's satisfying and there is definitely enough to continue on into more books. As I had not read anyone by this author, I will likely go and check out her other series based upon my experience with this ARC. A solid four stars--Nicola may make my list of must read authors along with Jeanine Frost, Singh (angels/hunters series), Chloe Neill, and Patricia Briggs.

See all 19 customer reviews...

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[V366.Ebook] Download PDF Mixed Blessing (Mixed Blessing Mystery, Book 1): A Romantic Urban Fantasy & Murder Mystery Series (Kindred), by Nicola Claire Doc

[V366.Ebook] Download PDF Mixed Blessing (Mixed Blessing Mystery, Book 1): A Romantic Urban Fantasy & Murder Mystery Series (Kindred), by Nicola Claire Doc
[V366.Ebook] Download PDF Mixed Blessing (Mixed Blessing Mystery, Book 1): A Romantic Urban Fantasy & Murder Mystery Series (Kindred), by Nicola Claire Doc

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