Minggu, 29 September 2013

[K252.Ebook] Free PDF An Early Christmas Gift (Red Valley Ranchers Book 3), by Susan Crosby

Free PDF An Early Christmas Gift (Red Valley Ranchers Book 3), by Susan Crosby

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An Early Christmas Gift (Red Valley Ranchers Book 3), by Susan Crosby

An Early Christmas Gift (Red Valley Ranchers Book 3), by Susan Crosby

An Early Christmas Gift (Red Valley Ranchers Book 3), by Susan Crosby

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An Early Christmas Gift (Red Valley Ranchers Book 3), by Susan Crosby

History certainly is repeating itself, romantically speaking, in USA TODAY bestselling author Susan Crosby's third book in her Red Valley Ranchers miniseries!  

The Capulets and the Montagues had nothing on the Ryders and the Morgans! But despite the fact that each one was from one of the rival ranching families, Jenny Ryder and Win Morgan had a passionate summer affair four years ago—one that resulted in pregnancy. They got married and promptly lost the baby. Heartbroken, Jenny let herself be talked into divorcing Win…without ever having revealed the marriage to her family—or his. 

Now Jenny's back, and one impulsive night means that Jenny and Win are about to be parents again! This time, they have to fess up. Their future happiness and child depend on it. But Win is keeping his own secret—that "divorce" he and Jenny supposedly got might not be worth the paper it (wasn't!) printed on….

  • Sales Rank: #349228 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2013-12-01
  • Released on: 2013-12-01
  • Format: Kindle eBook

About the Author
Susan Crosby is a bestselling USA TODAY author of more than 35 romances and women's fiction novels for Harlequin. She was won the BOOKreviews Reviewers Choice Award twice as Best Silhouette Desire and many other major awards. She lives in Northern California but not too close to earthquake country.

You can check out her website at www.susancrosby.com.

Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.
Jenny Ryder's senses heightened as she stepped onto the sidewalk in front of the hundred-year-old building. Anxiety tasted sharp in her mouth. Cars rumbled along Main Street, vibrating under her feet. And the majestic sight of the cloud-covered Gold Ridge Mountain was reflected in the Bank of Red Valley's glass door as she grabbed the cold metal pull. She had an appointment with the bank president, Jacob Campbell, who held her future in his hands.

She felt all grown up in the bank's cool, quiet environment, and was glad she'd dressed like a woman who meant business, not a college student.

Jenny glanced around, not seeing anyone she knew well enough to greet beyond a wave and a smile, even though she'd been born and raised in the small northern California city. She headed straight to Mr. Campbell's office. His assistant greeted Jenny, then led the way to the open door.

The sixtyish man stood and offered his hand. "No pigtails anymore, I see.''

"I couldn't if I tried," she said. She'd had her wavy auburn hair cut to a more carefree chin length last week. Wash and wear. She'd save time and energy during what she hoped would be very busy days ahead.

"Have a seat, Jenny.'

Her knees almost gave way as she lowered herself into a chair across the desk from him. A folder lay open on top. Even upside down she recognized the request-for-loan document she'd painstakingly filled out. Behind it would be her business plan and a personal plea. Her family's business, Ryder Ranch, had been the bank's first customer a hundred years ago. The relationship had held steady through the economic ups and downs of cattle ranching. That should mean something.

"So, you're the last college graduate of your family. That's quite an accomplishment," Mr. Campbell said.

"Our parents were uncompromising," she said with a smile.

"But you majored in farm management, even though the family business is cattle ranching."

"There wouldn't have been room for me at the ranch, not in any position of consequence." She tried not to fidget but she really wanted to end the small talk and get on with her life.

"I can see how anxious you are," Mr. Campbell said, "so I won't make you wait. The loan committee denied your request. I'm sorry."

She felt as if she'd plunged headlong into a wind tunnel. She saw his mouth moving but couldn't hear the words over the roar in her head. Denied. She'd been counting on—

"I wish I could refer you to someone else, Jenny, but I doubt you'll find a bank willing to give a novice a loan. Unless, of course, your father will co-sign, but you indicated you didn't want to ask him. Without collateral and a great deal of experience in the field, no one will want to take that kind of risk. You don't even have an income."

Technically she had collateral. She just couldn't use it. "If I got the loan, I'd have a job," she said, trying to smile. Keeping a tight rein on her emotions, she shook his hand before she escaped. "Thank you for your time, Mr. Campbell. I appreciate it."

"Wish I had a different answer for you."

"Me, too."

Thirty seconds later she was headed out of town, going nowhere in particular. Just going.

Win Morgan had heard Jenny Ryder was coming home. He'd checked her college's website for the date of her graduation ceremony—June eighth—and figured she'd be back this week, but he hadn't expected to see her right away.

But there she was, almost burning rubber as she took the main road out of town in her fuel-efficient car, which stuck out like a sore thumb among the abundance of pickup trucks.

Win grimaced as she swerved to avoid a truck pulling away from the curb, but it didn't slow her down. She was upset. Or mad.

Or afraid of something?

She'd always been a little high-strung and a lot stubborn, but four years of college should've settled her some, matured her.

Worried, he got into his truck and followed. He had something important to tell her, had already waited too long to do so. Now was as good a time as any—especially since calling on her at Ryder Ranch was impossible. He was a Morgan, after all, and therefore from the enemy camp, their families rival cattle ranchers for more than 150 years.

A light rain started splattering his windshield as Win scouted the land for signs of her. Hay fields claimed most of the area, except for a grove of trees way off in the distance, at river's edge. Would she have gone there? It seemed unlikely, but there wasn't anywhere else. She would've been kicking up dust if it hadn't been sprinkling, which lessened his odds of tracking her.

As he neared the grove, he spotted her fireengine-red car headfirst in a ditch. Panic struck, then he saw her pop up and start kicking a tire again and again. "I work hard" she shouted. "Harder than any man."

Her feet went out from under her. She landed with a thud, yelling "Ouch!" then adding a few expletives for good measure.

He made his way toward the ditch. If she'd seen him, she hadn't given any indication of it. "You okay?"

Her eyes went wide. Then she curled her arms over her face and laughed, the tone more manic than humorous. "Great. This is just great. The worst moment of my life, and you're the one who witnesses it. My luck runneth over."

He crouched next to her, eyeing her for injuries. "Are you hurt?"

"Just my pride. And my car." She waved a hand toward the offending vehicle.

Apparently she was blaming the car, not the operator, for the accident. "Why were you driving like a bat outta hell?"

"It doesn't matter." Her shoulders slumped.

He'd rather see her mad than defeated, so he strode away. He heard her scramble to her feet.

"Wait. Please, Win. What about my car?" She hurried after him.

"I'm sure any of your big brothers or your father will come to your rescue." He turned and walked backward, then snapped his fingers. "Oh, yeah. No cell service out here. Well, good luck with that, princess."

She plunked her fists on her hips. Good. He'd made her mad. She was back to being Jenny.

"You must own a satellite phone," she said.

"Must I?" He hadn't imagined wanting her still, not after all this time. The shock of it burst inside him, sending need and pain through every cell, every nerve. He had to fight the desire that had never died.

"Did you follow me?" she asked, narrowing her gaze at him, brushing the rain from her face. "I wanted to talk to you."

"About what?"

He hesitated. They were already taking one secret to their graves. He couldn't hold tight to his bigger secret, one that affected her, too. Still, he didn't know if he could tell her now. They were both too charged up, even if for different reasons….


Damn straight.

"You cut your hair," he said.

She touched it but said nothing as they faced each other like duelists. Then the rain stopped being just a sprinkle and turned into a torrent. He grabbed her hand and pulled her along with him to his truck. The same truck in which they'd slept together for the first time four years ago. How the hell was he supposed to chase that image away?

"Do you have a towel or something?" Jenny asked, shoving her dripping hair from her face and plucking at her white blouse.

A blue bandanna landed in her lap.

"That's all I have. Sorry."

Jenny used it on her face. It smelled like him. Even after all these years, she remembered how he smelled. Tasted. Felt. His brown eyes and hair might be considered ordinary, but there was nothing ordinary about him. He was drop-dead gorgeous, and all man.

And the attraction was still there, sizzling, as if it had happened yesterday. It was why she'd avoided him every time she'd come home on school breaks.

Then she remembered he said he had something to tell her. Her heart pounded. She looked at his left hand. No ring. But maybe that was about to change.

She touched his bare ring finger, then jerked her hand back. Idiot. She had no claims on him. Why did she think she had the right—

"I haven't gotten married," he said. "Guess you ruined me for anyone else."

She couldn't tell whether that was the truth or he was trying to lighten the moment with sarcasm. "Are you living with someone?"

His brows went up, but he answered, "Six ranch hands in a bunkhouse."

"Are you sleeping with anyone?" Mortified, she shoved her face in her hands. "Forget that. Please. I don't know why I asked."

He seemed amused by her embarrassment. "Well, there's a mouse who seems particularly fond of me." He took the bandanna she tossed back at him and dried his face. "Why are you interested in my love life, Jen?"

"You said you wanted to talk to me. I figured…" She let the words trail. Really, what else could it be, except that he was seeing someone? She made a sound of helplessness. "I could really use a drink about now."

He leaned behind the driver's seat and grabbed a sack. "Your wish is my command," he said, presenting her with the six-pack of beer he'd just bought, bowing slightly, the steering wheel keeping the gesture small.

It made her smile. "Thanks, but no thanks."

He put away the bag. "Well, thanks for the walk down memory lane, anyway," he said, glancing at her wet shirt.

Just having him look at her made her nipples go hard. She put an arm across her breasts, covering herself, but hiding wouldn't do any good, and she knew it. He would remember what she looked like, the same as she remembered him. Nothing changed the fact that she'd given her virginity to him in a glorious moment, and in this very truck. He'd been patient and tender. They'd spent the summer after he'd graduated from college and she from high school meeting when they could in a private niche among the nearby grove of trees. One summer of stolen moments, of emotions taut and explosive—the thrill of a forbidden union, the shock of loving beyond understanding, at least on her part.

Now here they were, four years later, sitting in his truck, the rain creating a magic curtain around them, making it seem as if they were in a world of their own.

Memories assaulted her right and left. Her hands shook. She crossed her arms.

"Cold?" he asked.

She shook her head. "There's just so much going on in my head, snapshots like they sometimes show on TV, images flashing so quickly you can hardly keep up with them."

"Good or bad?"

"Mostly good. Some painful." She touched her fingers to her lips as if he'd just kissed her.

"I know…." He cupped her face with his hand. He didn't ask permission—maybe he could already see she was willing. He pulled her closer. She expected a gentle kiss, one of remembrance, maybe even a kind of friendship they might have after all this time.

But he groaned as he kissed her, not wasting time with finesse but devouring her, arousing her, reawakening and rekindling what had been. His lips were familiar…yet not. His large, rough, trembling hands roamed over her, unbuttoning her blouse and pants. He maneuvered, shifted and angled their bodies until they were both undressed and in the passenger seat, Jenny on top. She lowered herself onto him.

There was homecoming and welcome, and newness, too. She remembered everything about him—and nothing.

Finally she was draped over him, both of them struggling to breathe, and the rain stopped as quickly as it started. The windows were steamed up from their breath and body heat, but the shield of rain was gone.

She sat up and studied his face. What are you thinking? she wanted to ask, knowing she didn't dare, not unless she wanted to know the answer. She didn't. He'd made it clear in his years of silence that he wanted nothing from her anymore. Even before, he'd only wanted sex. Their families were rivals. Their union never was meant to be.

But then he dragged his fingers down her bare body. "Do you ever think—"

"Yes." She kissed him to stop the rest of the question, then they went about getting presentable again. Her hands shook. He brushed them away and buttoned her blouse.

Then he passed her his phone. "I don't have any chains in the truck or I'd try to pull you out of the ditch."

She called her father. He would assess the situation before they decided whether they needed a tow truck.

"You probably shouldn't be here when they arrive," she said to Win.

"I imagine they would think I was just being neighborly. Anyway, if they have caller ID, they already know whose phone you used."

She hadn't thought of that.

He eyed her directly, as if waiting for more from her. "Well. That was an unexpected pleasure," he said as he tucked her hair behind her ear then caressed her earlobe.

Most helpful customer reviews

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful.
Beautiful, emotional Second Chance at Love story
By Leanne Reynolds
Jenny and Win have been in love before and it all went wrong. Now, they have a chance to make it right. But all the old obstacles are still in play--their feuding families, his bitter, angry father, his pride, her pride. Years' worth of hurt. I loved they way they both wanted to do the right thing, but had to struggle to figure out how. This is a wonderfully rich, grounded book about down-to-earth people, family--and true love.

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful.
The Ryders and Morgans are going to be connected now!
By B. Ferris
What a great addition to The Red Valley Ranchers miniseries!

Of course the families the Ryders and the Morgans are rivals in their ranching but Win Morgan and Jenny Ryder have gotten together and now they have to go forward with both families.

Jenny and Win have a past history, 4 years ago they became friends and one thing led to another and Jenny found herself pregnant! They married as he was 22 and she 18 before they could tell their families Jenny lost the baby. They parted of the ways with a divorce. Jenny went to college and Win worked at the Morgan ranch. Win does try to find out how Jenny is doing in life over the years.

Jenny came home after graduating from college and by accident she meets Win and they try to be pleasant with each other but one thing leads to another, just like to they did before, and history repeats it's self. Jenny finds herself pregnant again but Win hasn't told her how he never followed through with the divorce so they are still married! There's some irritation with the families but not the big problem Jenny and Win thought there would be, at the the Ryders are OK with it.

Now they find themselves starting life together as newlyweds! What a good romance! I think you'll love it too!

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
wonderful second chance at love
By A Customer
An Early Christmas Gift
Susan Crosby
Harlequin Special Edition, Nov 19 2013, $5.50
ISBN: 9780373657858

In California, ignoring their feuding ranching families four years ago, Jenny Ryder and Win Morgan fell in love and secretly married. When Julie miscarried, Win persuaded her into a divorce. Neither told their respective families about their marriage, divorce and miscarriage as Jenny went off to college.

Graduating from college with a degree in farm management, Jenny returns home but the local bank refuses to give her a loan as she lacks collateral. Win notices an upset Jenny drive like a lunatic; so he follows her to insure she gets home safe. With her car in a ditch, he gives her a ride. Both remain in love and they have sex only she becomes pregnant again. This time they plan to tell their respective parents. He also knows he owes her the truth about a deception he committed four years ago but Win fears losing his beloved's trust especially with the dispute as a Sword of Damocles hanging over their heads.

The latest Red Valley Ranchers contemporary (see A Family, At Last and The Cowboy's Return) is a wonderful second chance at love. Although the family feud premise is not new (Romeo and Juliet, and even Beowulf), but proves fun to follow as the lead couple navigates treacherous water trying to change the climate.

Harriet Klausner

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[K252.Ebook] Free PDF An Early Christmas Gift (Red Valley Ranchers Book 3), by Susan Crosby Doc

Rabu, 25 September 2013

[O709.Ebook] PDF Ebook Celestial Mechanics: The Waltz of the Planets (Springer Praxis Books), by Alessandra Celletti, Ettore Perozzi

PDF Ebook Celestial Mechanics: The Waltz of the Planets (Springer Praxis Books), by Alessandra Celletti, Ettore Perozzi

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Celestial Mechanics: The Waltz of the Planets (Springer Praxis Books), by Alessandra Celletti, Ettore Perozzi

Celestial Mechanics: The Waltz of the Planets (Springer Praxis Books), by Alessandra Celletti, Ettore Perozzi

Celestial Mechanics: The Waltz of the Planets (Springer Praxis Books), by Alessandra Celletti, Ettore Perozzi

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Celestial Mechanics: The Waltz of the Planets (Springer Praxis Books), by Alessandra Celletti, Ettore Perozzi

The aim of this book is to demonstrate to a wider audience, as well as to a more skilled audience, the many fascinating aspects of modern celestial mechanics. It sets out to do this without the use of mathematics. After giving the reader the technical tools needed for a basic understanding of the underlying physical phenomena (using only elementary mathematics), facts and figures are provided on historical events, modern discoveries and future applications. Contents are divided into major topics where the three "souls" of modern celestial mechanics (dynamical systems, Solar System and stellar systems, spaceflight dynamics) play a major role.

  • Sales Rank: #1779861 in Books
  • Published on: 2010-02-06
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.53" h x .68" w x 6.69" l, 1.23 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 248 pages
  • ISBN13: 9780387307770
  • Condition: New
  • Notes: 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. Tracking provided on most orders. Buy with Confidence! Millions of books sold!


From the reviews:

"Celletti (Universita di Roma ‘Tor Vergata’) and Perozzi (Telespazio Rome) present a complicated subject in an engaging manner that is accessible to general readers. The writing is clear and authoritative, and the diagrams and tables help the nonexpert reader to visualize the key ideas without having to wade through the mathematics usually found in a book on this subject. … Summing Up: Recommended. General readers; lower- and upper-division undergraduates." (T. Barker, CHOICE, Vol. 44 (11), August, 2007)

"The celestial mechanics can be considered as the mathematical part of the astronomy, requiring a high level in mathematics and reserved to specialists … . The Waltz of the Planets offer a different insight, providing very basic mathematical tools to the reader, sufficient to enable him or her to understand the main topics of celestial planetary dynamics. The purpose is to present this discipline as accessible, interesting and amusing … . A book to recommand to students, astronomers … and celestial mechanicians." (Anne Lemaître, Physicalia Magazine, Vol. 30 (1), 2008)

Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 2 people found the following review helpful.
Catalogue of misconceptions about ancient and mathematical astronomy
This was a most disappointing purchase. In particular, the authors have absolutely no understanding of ancient astronomy, aka mathematical astronomy, which is now recognized as including Coperniucs (he has described as "Ptolemy's best disciple") and they continually make false statements about the development of astronomy before Newton. It is difficult to believe that academics would have so little understanding of such a well known subject. The book is only useful as a catalogue of misconceptions about mathematical astronomy.

7 of 7 people found the following review helpful.
Good Primer for Celestial Mechanics
By Michael Paul Sebek
I had always been curious about how and why things worked in our solar system. This book did a good job of answering my questions. As stated in the product description, only "elementary mathematics" are employed, but the instances of math usage are for illustrative purposes only, and are NOT essential for understanding the material presented. In fact - in my opinion - getting value from this book requires no practical application of mathematics on the part of the reader at all. However, I did find the text to be quite technical (as expected), and a basic understanding of astronomical terms and concepts is necessary in order to grasp the material. (Example glossary term: "Resonance: A commensurability among the periods of motion of two or more celestial bodies. The most common resonances are the mean motion resonances, which involve the revolution periods of different celestial bodies, and the spin-orbit resonances between the revolution and the rotation periods of the same celestial body.") I give it five stars for telling me what I wanted to know. This is not only a good beginner's book for someone who is interested in a further study of celestial mechanics, but it would also provide useful information for a beginning astronomer as well.

11 of 11 people found the following review helpful.
Quick overview of recent developments
By A reader
Celestial mechanics studies the motion of bodies (stars, planets, satellites, etc.) under gravity. This book provides a quick overview of the subject, focusing especially on recent developments. The book presumes some knowledge of astronomy, but it's suitable for any amateur astronomer. (It contains virtually no math.) My primary objection to this book is that it doesn't explain many of the phenomena that it mentions. The book includes both a glossary that defines jargon and a guide to further information.


Ch. 1: history of the subject; terminology regarding orbits
Ch. 2: chaotic orbits and the multi-body problem
Ch. 3: orbital resonances: their role in the motions of moons and asteroids, and their exploitation by interplanetary probes
Ch. 4: spin-orbit resonances: tidal forces; synchronous resonance; geosynchronous satellites; obliquity; precession and its exploitation in archaeoastronomy
Ch. 5: stability of the solar system; paths of comets, meteorites, and asteroids
Ch. 6: danger of asteroids colliding with the Earth
Ch. 7: motions of the moon; eclipses; the moon's role in the creation of life; novel trajectories to the moon
Ch. 8: spacecraft flight: "halo" orbits; space debris around Earth; interplanetary trajectories (Hohmann transfer orbits, gravity assists)
Ch. 9: planetary rings: their structure; the Roche limit; shepherd satellites
Ch. 10: newly discovered objects in the solar system (Centaurs, etc.)
Ch. 11: planets around other stars and the search for them (nulling interferometry)

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Sabtu, 07 September 2013

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What came first? The princess or the shoes? And does it really matter? My name is Margaux Asher. Don’t be afraid to ask how it’s spelled though I may enlighten you, anyway. Yes, I’m that Margaux Asher. The attitude icon. The bitch in the latest heels. The princess of the PR game. Just don’t bring up the queen. Mommie and I aren’t on comfortable terms. Last winter, I learned a secret that Andrea Asher has hidden from me since my birth—by another woman. And my real father? Josiah Stone, one of the world’s richest men. Dream come true, right? There’s a lot of baggage attached to that answer. And now, Michael Pearson wants to help me open it. Michael. My six-foot-three, golden god of a dilemma. He’s patient, indulgent—and don’t get me started on his passion—but he wants too much. He wants all the secrets. What would he say if he knew my birthright was only the start of my life’s mess? What would he do if he learns…I’m no perfect princess? Someday, my princess will come… The apple never falls far from the tree? Depends on who you ask. I’m Michael Pearson. Son of an apple farmer. First family member to graduate college, move to the big city, and work for one of the most prestigious PR firms in the country. I’m the success, the star— And the sap who’s fallen for the boss’s daughter. So technically, Margaux isn’t Andrea’s daughter anymore. Doesn’t matter to the rest of the company—and the world—who vilify her as they always have. But where they see a she-snake, I see a terrified girl in the woods, yearning for a place where she’s accepted, loved. Every time I volunteer my arms to be that place, she ducks deeper into her shell, pushing me away with more fear and anger. Her facade thickens every day, making me more determined to learn what magic kiss will set her free, so she can finally see the truth… I don’t want her to be perfect. I just want her to be mine.

  • Sales Rank: #1337807 in Books
  • Published on: 2015-03-23
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.00" h x 1.01" w x 6.00" l, 1.29 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 402 pages

Most helpful customer reviews

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
A take no crap "Princess of PR"
By Sassy Southern Book Blog
This is book 3 of the Secrets of Stone series. When I got this review, I didn't realize this was the third installment of a series & I worried about being lost…….

Well I wasn't really lost. I was able to follow the story line really well. It definitely got me interested in reading the first 2 books. Bt definitely can be read as a stand alone , you will just have some questions that will want to be answered.

Margaux Asher….A take no crap "Princess of PR". People fear her, men want her. She has secrets of her own that she doesn't want anyone to know about, so she keeps people at length. But she has fallen into a steady friendship with Michael Pearson. Slowly the friendship has changed into some light flirting……then well, she wants more but Michael is being a boy scout and keeping everything "G" rated or at least Margaux thinks so. Margaux has had enough! She wants to push him away, Michael is pushing back emotionally. He wants ins. And this scares Margaux. What makes things harder…They work at the same PR firm.

Michael Pearson- A doting son is putting his law career on hold to go home to help his mama on the family farm for a few weeks. Or is he putting some space between him & Margaux. A few weeks turns into 6 months!! Both Michael & Margaux feels this time apart will be good for them. Margaux feels she can get over her growing feelings for Michael. Little do both of them know that those embers burn hotter than ever when he returns. And Margaux is pissed!!!!!

There is so much involved in their story, but I suck at giving spoilers away so I am stopping while I'm ahead I am really looking forward to getting my hands on the first 2 books. I need the whole


1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
Loved it
By Judy C
I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review. I won't I've the same old recap since you can just see that avoc. This is the first book in the series that I've read and I loved the characters so much I can't wait to read he next book. Bum also going to read the previous books that I missed since I'm so caught up in this now. I have to know what brought the storyline up to his point. You can read this as a stand alone but I hunk you should read them in order because so you'll be caught up from the beginning. I wish I was, but I will be!!!!!!

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
4 stars for Margaux and Michael!
By Naughty Smut Readers
I expected no less from these ladies! I loved this book!! It was nice seeing a different side to Margaux . She wasn't as bad as I thought she was. I loved watching Margaux and Michael grow, they were adorable. She tried to resist but come on even I couldn't resist Michael!! Oh and I love a good HEA!!
I don't need to write a long review to tell you to read this!! its a no brainer!
I can't wait to see whats next!

Happy Reading!

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Jumat, 06 September 2013

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The new business road test: What entrepreneurs and executives should do before writing a business plan (2nd Edition), by John Mullins

The new business road test: What entrepreneurs and executives should do before writing a business plan (2nd Edition), by John Mullins

The new business road test: What entrepreneurs and executives should do before writing a business plan (2nd Edition), by John Mullins

Download Ebook The new business road test: What entrepreneurs and executives should do before writing a business plan (2nd Edition), by John Mullins

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The new business road test: What entrepreneurs and executives should do before writing a business plan (2nd Edition), by John Mullins

'You may have capital and a talented management team, but if you are fundamentally in a lousy business, you won't get the kind of results you would in a good business. All businesses aren't created equal.' William P.Egan II, veteran US venture capitalist No matter how talented you are, no matter how much capital you have, no matter how good your business plan is, if you're pursuing a lousy business' i.e. a fundamentally flawed opportunity you're on the fast-track to failure. The New Business Road Test shows you how to avoid the obvious mistakes that everyone else makes. It shows you how to assess market opportunities. It also shows entrepreneurs and entrepreneurial teams how to assess honestly the capabilities they themselves bring to the table. The new edition of this best-selling book will help you to road test your idea, making sure that the business you build is based on a winning concept. It will enable you to invest your time wisely and pitch to investors and customers with confidence. Building on lessons learned by real entrepreneurs some in start-ups, others in established firms, some who got it right and others who got it wrong, Mullins addresses the seven domains that characterize attractive, compelling opportunities. Mullins presents a model that helps you answer the live-or-die questions in assessing any new business opportunity. Road test your business idea first and get ahead of the game.

  • Sales Rank: #1240859 in Books
  • Published on: 2008-01-25
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.22" h x .83" w x 6.14" l, 1.37 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 328 pages


"Aims to give would-be entrepreneurs a reality check." - New Business

'What a "Eureka" moment I had- we are a start-up here in Ontario Canada. Your comments and 7 domains just sharpened up our thinking several very large notches.  So I am contacting you to let you know how helpful your insights are ! very helpful work! Oh yes - I bought a copy ! Dave Sutherland, Retrievall Inc

From the Back Cover

Give your business the chance to be one of those that make it.


Got an idea for a new business? Take it for a road test to make sure it works before you invest valuable time and money in it. Most new businesses fail. Why? Because no matter how talented you are, no matter how much capital you have, no matter how good your business plan is, if you’re pursuing a ‘lousy business’ – a fundamentally flawed opportunity – you’re on the fast-track to failure. The new edition of this best-selling book will help you to road test your idea, making sure that the business you build is based on a winning concept. It will enable you to invest your time and money wisely and pitch to investors and customers with confidence.


“Mullins has hit the nail on the head. The New Business Road Test for the first time successfully defines the starting point for a business. He delivers a clear and concise road map for anyone wondering whether they have a good business idea and what to do about it. I wish it had been given to every entrepreneur who appeared before me on Dragon’s Den.”

Doug Richard, Dragon on Dragon’s Den


“Mullins’ New Business Road Test provides the entrepreneurial equivalent to the proverbial ‘sleeping policeman’ on the Sunday drive: the necessary jolt of reality for those hanging on to the belief that value is created on a computer spreadsheet or a fancy PowerPoint presentation. The business plan is the road map between idea and sustainable business, and John offers the most valuable journey planner available.”

Benoit Leleux, Professor of Entrepreneurship & Finance, IMD, Lausanne, Switzerland


“We work with hundreds of CEOs reviewing their investor pitches. The truth is that all businesses, even those already funded, can improve their business models and their road show presentation to investors or strategic partners. Good entrepreneurs understand that their emerging business remains ‘work in progress’. Even on the road, they work the map. We recommend that all new entrepreneurs look at John's excellent new business road maps before hitting the ground.”

William Stevens, E-Unlimited



No budding entrepreneur should leave the day job or face an investor without having read this book.


About the Author

John Mullins is himself a serial entrepreneur (he describes his business tally as one success, one fail and one draw) and teaches and studies entrepreneurship as a professor at the London Business School, bringing a wealth of experience to the book.

Most helpful customer reviews

29 of 30 people found the following review helpful.
A Must Read before plunging into an Entrepreneurial lifestyl
By Chintan Thumar
Everyone likes their own ideas and everyone believes that their own ideas are fool-proof. There's no way to check and grind your idea/business plan before going to actual VCs. Till now the only way to analyze your idea was by going through the 3Fs (Famliy, Friends and Fools).

Here is where 'The New Business Road Test' comes in as a savior. This book has all the ideas/ procedures/ questions/ & guidelines to review and grill your idea to perfection before plunging into the real venture. There are many books out there to tell you HOW to write a business plan, but none to actually analyze your business plan.

The presentation of the book is quite simple to understand and refer to in future. The 'Seven Domain Analysis' diagram really makes it simple to review any idea/plan and term it as feasible or not-feasible.

I read the book before going into my first venture and it made me look at my business plan in a whole different way. I was not only able to identify the loop holes but also the ways i could improve my business plans. Even today while I am lookin at a new venture, I find myself always going back and refering to this book.

Once Read, this book will make a place in your entrepreneurial life. This is a must-read book for entrepreneurs as well as VC aspirants.

14 of 15 people found the following review helpful.
For the novice and expert alike....
By Kevin Conrad
Having launched several major ventures over the past decades, I have learned that careful advance planning and analysis cannot be over-emphasized. Through the years, I have struggled to develop a robust framework to analyze opportunities before investing time and money.

Mullins has beaten me to the task. Full of frameworks and anecdotes, theory and practice. Thorough, logical, insightful, and easy to follow. An excellent roadmap for the novice and expert alike. My three copies are already dog-eared.

19 of 22 people found the following review helpful.
Reasonable, but overrated
By One more opinion
I bought this book on the basis of the 16, almost suspiciously short 5 star reviews here. It has a catchy title - which is a good way to scare budding entrepreneurs into buying it. I was worried that there was some hidden flaw in my business plan that was going to bring everything tumbling down. After all, I had already invested several thousand dollars on my germ of an idea. I wanted to read this book just to make sure.

I read the book after I had already finished my first business plan draft and midway through a redraft. The basic idea of the book is that there are 7 domains that, if not in the business's favor, will cause failure. There are checklists at the end of the chapters. They boil down to: market (customers), industry (competitors), and what your business brings to the table - drive, tolerance for risk, ability, connections. Look familiar? A good business plan template will cover all of these topics as a matter of course, so if you go to the trouble of making a business plan I think it is mostly unlikely that you won't cover these points.

After completing the checklists there were only two things that I thought to ask myself that I had not really thought before. I guess that is reasonable. I'm not sure I wouldn't have thought of them with another iteration of the business plan finished. Perhaps it is worth the cost of the book, perhaps not. I have purchased 3 other books on business plans, I suspect that will cover those issues. I now have 13 pages of notes on this book in relation to my business that is not part of a business plan. Wasted effort? Extra conservatism? Not sure. I think it is good to take a somewhat pessimistic view at starting a business, so that all the potential flaws are out in the open at least.

Is there good material here? Sure. One thing I do like is that the book acknowledges that not every business needs investors to succeed, and that you only need to tick the boxes related to investors if you require those investors. Investors require more market research - market research can sometimes tip off competitors, and maybe you don't want to give them any lead time. If you have a good understanding of how the market thinks, then maybe you don't need to do market research to the extent that is often advocated. The example of Phil Knight of Nike would suggest this - a running fanatic who wanted a better shoe and made it himself. Venture capital is also not all-knowing, the whole model is predicated on having a few businesses succeed big and most crash and burn.

Maybe I'm just not that impressed because I have long been a student of business, son of a successful business owner and have read many, many business books with avid interest. I have internalized many of the lessons of all these sources, and whenever I think about a business my mind is always drawn to the potential flaws. Perhaps that is why I'm only starting my business now after having saved up enough that I won't have to dilute equity, and have chosen a business that should pass the tests of this book. For someone who does not have this background, it could save a lot of money I suppose. If you have to learn these lessons from this book perhaps you should consider why you are starting a business. But lack of a clue certainly doesn't stop many people from starting and failing in business, so I guess this book has use to prevent some life savings being blown.

So, that's why I rate it 4 stars. I think the material is good - it does comprehensively deal with most things that could make a business fail. Is it mind-blowingly good enough to be worth 5 perfect stars? I doubt it. However, I'm not going to rate it punitively. It's probably 4.5 stars worth.

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THE SIMPLE LIVING GUIDE Strategies - Stories - Resources - Inspiration, by Janet Luhrs

  • Sales Rank: #11362483 in Books
  • Published on: 1997
  • Binding: Paperback

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